Today marks 2 MONTHS until I report to the Provo Missionary Training Center to serve in the Italy Rome Mission for a year and a half. If the next 2 months are anything like the last week has been, I'll be daydreaming a lot, not focusing at all, wishing time would move a lot slower and faster at the same time, and attempting to learn a little Italian, but not being very successful (at least I know how to say hi, butterfly, and I don't drink coffee; I'm sure that will help me a lot!)
Time is kind of a strange concept. When I opened my mission call, I had more than 4 months to wait. Now that has been split in half and the whole thing is becoming more and more real. I'M GOING TO ITALY! And I finally get to be a full time missionary and wear Jesus Christ's name over my chest. Sometimes time seems to take forever and sometimes it moves too fast. Some days I feel ready, and some days I don't. It just depends.
I'll be done with my first year of college in 3 weeks. I get to see my best friend (Tyler) in 4 weeks. I get 3.5 weeks to spend with my family. I have to say goodbye to my sister in 3.5 weeks since she will be in Idaho when I leave. 5 more weeks until I go to Oregon for 5 days. I have 7 weeks until I give my farewell talk in church. 8 weeks until I leave. 16 weeks until Ty leaves for the MTC, and 25 weeks until he will be in Japan. 14 weeks until I'll be in Italy.
I am so excited to start this new adventure in our lives. Japan and Italy are totally different places, but the gospel is the same. I can't wait to share my testimony and the happiness the gospel brings to me with the people in Italy. I am in for a real treat and a lot of hard work. But, it will be worth it in the end. This is going to be the best year and a half of my life so far.
Let the countdowns begin!